Stories to flow


Once upon a time there was a flower who was very impatient. I wanted to grow fast and flower as soon as possible.

The flower saw the other flowers that were already blooming and felt jealous. I wanted to be like them, but I didn't know how.

One day, the flower approached a butterfly and asked:

"How can I grow fast and flourish?"

The butterfly smiled and said:

"Patience is the key. You have to bide your time."

The flower did not give up. He stayed in his place and waited.

Every day, the flower would get up early and prepare to grow. He drank water from the dew and exposed himself to the sun.

Little by little, the flower began to grow. Its petals became larger and its colors became more vivid.

One day, the flower opened its petals and bloomed. It was a beautiful flower.

The flower was very happy. He learned that patience is the key to achieving goals.

This story shows that patience is an important virtue. Patience helps us bide our time and achieve our goals.

The flower was impatient and wanted to grow quickly. But, with patience, he was able to achieve his goal and flourish.

Tips to be patient

Set short-term goals. This will help you feel like you are making progress and that you are close to reaching your goal.

Break your tasks into small steps. This will make tasks seem less intimidating and easier to complete.

Give yourself a break. Don't try to do everything at once. Take breaks to avoid exhaustion.

Patience is a skill that can be learned and practiced.

The flower of attention

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucia who had attention problems. Lucia was a very intelligent girl, but she was easily distracted. In class, he had a hard time following the teacher's explanations and completing his assignments.

One day, Lucia was walking through the forest when she found a very rare flower. It had a very sweet aroma. Lucia had never seen a flower like that before.

Lucía approached the flower and smelled it. The aroma was so intense that it made her feel very calm and focused. Lucía sat next to the flower for a long time, enjoying its aroma.

When Lucia got up, she felt different. She felt more focused and able to pay attention. Lucía decided that she wanted to see the flower of attention again.

The next day, Lucía returned to the forest to look for the flower. He found her in the same place, and this time he stayed with her all morning. Lucia felt very good while she was with the flower. He felt like he could do anything.

He started going to the forest every day to visit the flower of attention. Over time, he began to notice that his attention was improving. He concentrated better in class and was able to complete his assignments without problems.

I was happy. He knew that the flower of attention had helped him improve his attention.

Moral of the story.

Attention is an important skill that allows us to learn, work and enjoy life. When we pay attention, we can focus on what we are doing and avoid distractions.

The flower of attention is a symbol of attention. The flower represents calm and concentration. When we are calm and focused, we can pay attention more effectively.

We can train our attention in several ways.

One way is to practice meditation. Meditation helps us focus on the present and let go of distractions.

Another way to train our attention is to practice concentration. We can practice concentration by focusing our attention on an object, a word, or a sensation.

With time and practice, we can improve our attention and enjoy the benefits that this skill offers us.


The woman was an artist at heart and soul. He had always had an overflowing imagination. Since she was little, there was a strong bond with nature due to the years she had spent as a boy scout. He compared trees to human beings, arguing that the treatment they receive determines their beauty and strength. If they were treated with proper care, they would be beautiful, while if they were mistreated, they would be fragile and weak. He realized that painting was the means to express himself and that his representative image would be a tree. From there he began to paint and his biggest dream was to find a way to capture the essence of human emotions in a tangible form. For her it was a mission, a constant search for knowledge. He began to study art, psychology and everything related to the human mind in order to try to understand it. He constantly asked himself questions, trying to understand how emotions happen and the way in which they influence people. Little by little he was breaking down all the concepts, beginning to understand how happiness, sadness, anger, love, among many others, work. One night, while he was working on one of his projects, he saw a bright light. He stared at the light and suddenly understood what he was looking for. Those images were alive, they expressed themselves by flirting with her, with different shapes and colors depending on how she looked at them in one way or another. For her, art was also a way of communicating the human soul. She wanted to capture in her paintings the link between the visible and the invisible and make it feel, if not the same, something profound that moves the viewer.


Áurea felt a very deep sadness, it was a feeling that was overwhelming her without realizing it. It started out like a weak autumn rain, the kind that you think doesn't get through but that after a while it runs down your hair and soaks you completely. She seemed listless and if she could avoid talking to people or going out with them she was grateful. She was distancing herself from a society in which she felt like a stranger. She spent her days absorbed in her world. He left behind his desire to laugh. She no longer listened to the music that once made her dance or read the books that transported her to magical places full of adventures. She was fired from her job because she was no longer meeting the company's needs and, contrary to what other people might think, it didn't hurt her at all. He fell hopelessly into a bottomless pit.

One night in one of his short and startled dreams he saw his grandmother. He sat next to her on the bed. He began to caress her hair like he did when she was little. Áurea, my girl, her grandmother whispered to her. Your life has a purpose that you have not yet fulfilled. There are more and more people disconnected from nature. Your place is there. You were born to relate to her. To feel its energy, its power. Your sadness is the result of your separation from your roots and your life history. Return to your place of origin and begin to feel the cohesion that exists between you. When you have regained your spirit and strength, help others reconnect with the primal source of life. Let yourself be carried away by your instincts, everything is within you. Do not be afraid.

Áurea opened her eyes but kept her grandmother's words in her mind for the next few hours.

The next day his catharsis began. He stared at himself in the mirror. He saw another woman in front of him. The features of his face had changed, his gaze had also changed. His sadness turned into determination.

Áurea changed her life. He found the place where he should be and, most importantly, why. He began to discover the mysteries of nature. He immersed himself in the magic of life. He embraced his destiny and stopped embracing sadness. He had found the balance between his past and his future.


Maya was a determined and brave woman. Life repeatedly presented her with challenges that caused her to never feel carefree about what was happening to her and the people around her. She had conversations with herself, asking and answering her countless questions. Not because she got into a loop but because she had a restless mind and questioning things made her feel more alive.

If a problem arose, he would dissect it into parts to get to the core, the essence. Because I knew that by understanding the problem the solution would come.

He was a person of integrity, sincere and loyal. He did not hesitate to offer his help if it was necessary. People appreciated her because they knew they could count on her. She was always willing to listen and help, share her opinions and find solutions. Maya was a self-taught person. She was very proud of the knowledge she had acquired throughout her life. He knew that nothing was going to come to him as a gift and that he had to fight for what he wanted. This made her even more brave and determined. Maya was a very spiritual person. He was in constant search for knowledge, for answers. She was open to learning and reflection. This led her to a heightened state of consciousness that allowed her to connect with her interior and with the world around her. Maya strongly believed in the importance of living with purpose and the power of manifestation. He believed that it was important to enjoy every moment of life, just as he also believed in the need to give everything, to do the most to achieve your dreams. She was a woman with an open mind and a big heart.

His favorite phrase was.

Even through the eye of a needle you can see the sky...


Olga was born different. He had a special sensitivity because he could communicate with trees. He whispered his emotions to her.

She liked to spend a lot of time outside, sitting under their branches leaning on their trunk, listening to their whispers and telling them their stories. The trees transmitted a special energy to her that helped her feel calmer and connect with her most sensitive side. She saw in the trees an eternal friendship, one that does not judge or criticize, nor demand anything in return. They were his confessor, his refuge, his resting place.

They listened to her and responded with their branches swinging and inviting her to enter their world. Olga could feel the multiple shades of their feelings as they conveyed calm and support. Sometimes, birdsong helped him understand the depth of the connection between living beings. Olga used this connection with nature to find her purpose in life. This connection to the elements helped her embrace her difference and feel connected to a larger world.


She was a mysterious woman, with long hair and brown eyes, a free spirit and a deep connection with nature. He was always in search of adventure, the magic of life and the beauty of the earth. He often found himself walking through the woods, admiring the life around them. One day, while walking through the forest, he saw a tree with a thick trunk and a large crown. She stopped and approached him. She took a moment to observe him, and then extended her arms and hugged him. He stayed like that for a while, feeling the energy and warmth of life coming out of the tree. At that moment, she knew that the tree and her were connected. He felt a deep connection to the earth, as if he were embracing life itself. He stood there for a long time, trying

to absorb all the energy and magic of that moment. In the end, he left the tree with a feeling of deep peace and connection with nature. After that day, he always remembered this magical moment and it was the starting point for his deep connection with nature. She believed that trees were an important part of our world and that embracing them helped us remember the deep connection we have to the earth.


From a very young age, Alma was clear that anything she did would have an impact on everything else. He liked metaphysics, and began studying and practicing it when he attended a talk on universal laws or the seven principles based on the teachings of the teacher Hermes Trismegistus. He studied the power of the word, the power of the mind and the power of intention. She began to connect with herself and her thoughts, understanding that her thoughts and actions directly influenced her destiny. He discovered that life is a journey of continuous learning and that there is always something new to discover. This realization brought him greater compassion and love for all living things. She learned to accept her reality and accepted the fact that everything that happened in her life was actually a manifestation of herself. Alma had found a new purpose in life, a new way of seeing the world, and a new sense of spiritual connection.From a very young age, Alma was clear that anything she did would have an impact on everything else. He liked metaphysics, and began studying and practicing it when he attended a talk on universal laws or the seven principles based on the teachings of the teacher Hermes Trismegistus. He studied the power of the word, the power of the mind and the power of intention. She began to connect with herself and her thoughts, understanding that her thoughts and actions directly influenced her destiny. He discovered that life is a journey of continuous learning and that there is always something new to discover. This realization brought him greater compassion and love for all living things. She learned to accept her reality and accepted the fact that everything that happened in her life was actually a manifestation of herself. Alma had found a new purpose in life, a new way of seeing the world and a new sense of spiritual connection. Alma was clear from a very young age that anything she did would have an impact on everything else. He liked metaphysics, and began studying and practicing it when he attended a talk on universal laws or the seven principles based on the teachings of the teacher Hermes Trismegistus. He studied the power of the word, the power of the mind and the power of intention. She began to connect with herself and her thoughts, understanding that her thoughts and actions directly influenced her destiny. He discovered that life is a journey of continuous learning and that there is always something new to discover. This realization brought him greater compassion and love for all living things. She learned to accept her reality and accepted the fact that everything that happened in her life was actually a manifestation of herself. Alma had found a new purpose in life, a new way of seeing the world, and a new sense of spiritual connection.


Artemis got out of bed with unparalleled determination, enthusiasm and motivation to achieve her goal were her fuel. He started his routine with a smile on his face, the energy he radiated was incredible. She put on that orange dress that suited her so well and subtly sprayed herself with the perfume she loved so much. I was empowered. He felt capable of doing anything.

Throughout the day, she stayed focused on her goal. Motivation, enthusiasm and determination had taken over that day. On the way to his workplace, he felt a mix of emotions: happiness, excitement, anxiety and motivation. His thoughts began to spin, he visualized himself in the place and in the way he dreamed of. The prelude to achievement was feeling capable of obtaining it. He knew it, felt it and dressed in it.

Something pushed him from the bottom of his soul, something that told him that it was not a day like the others, that something great awaited him.


Esperanza is a woman who knows she wants to change her life, but doesn't know where to start. So start by getting informed. He enrolls in an entrepreneurship course in his city and begins to learn about how to create a company. He also enrolls in a personal development course to learn skills such as time management, decision making, and problem solving. With these tools, Paola begins to work on her change plan. Study more about the ways to start a business and discover the steps necessary to do so. Set goals and formulate strategies to achieve them. Additionally, he makes contacts and looks for opportunities. Paola also begins to work on her personal development. He strives to have a positive attitude, learn from his mistakes, and value his achievements. He is committed to personal growth and takes advantage of every opportunity to improve. Thanks to these tools, Paola is beginning to see results. You feel like your life is changing and that you are taking control of your destiny. She is motivated to move forward and feels prepared to do great things.


Mar was a middle-aged woman with a life that seemed to be at a standstill. She felt dissatisfied, passionless, and like she was wasting her years aimlessly. One day, after deep reflection, he decided that he needed a change; a change that would begin with his self-knowledge. So he began to investigate his tastes and preferences, his fears and desires, his dreams and aspirations. As a result of his exploration, Mar discovered his talents and strengths, his weaknesses and areas in which he needed to improve. She learned to develop skills, relate better to others, and value herself. As the months passed, Mar was transforming. He became more aware of his individuality and his purpose in life. She felt more satisfied and empowered, and began doing the things that really mattered to her. He began to make decisions with confidence, and his life began to take a turn for the better. Finally, she had found her own identity and was ready to start a new life. She had found her purpose, and was more than prepared to make the most of her time.


Ana had set some goals for her life. She wanted to be successful and achieve her goals, but she didn't know how to start. To help her achieve her goals, Mateo told her that the first thing she should do was set realistic and achievable goals. I had to make an action plan and then set a schedule to complete each step. He suggested that he surround himself with motivating and experienced people who would help him achieve his goals. That you would seek to learn and improve your skills to have a greater chance of success. He lovingly invited her to take her time and not despair, since patience was key to achieving her goals. If he persisted, he would surely achieve his goals. Ana came to meet her goals, one by one. He understood and equated these as a ladder with rungs. I couldn't get to the top at once, I had to climb them one by one to reach the end. He also knew that on each step he had to assess the resources he had to reach the next step. It was an adventure that she enjoyed, full of learning for her. She told herself: "Now I set the course of my life."


Carla was extremely distracted. He lived in a hurry during the day and at night the hours in bed seemed endless. He slept, yes, but little. The pace of life during the day and the lack of rest at night increased his distractions. He lamented his short memory. If he was introduced to someone soon after, he would have forgotten their name. If he read the name of a street when leaving it, it had already vanished. Her lack of memory, according to Carla, was responsible for most of her personal and professional failures. One night, in one of those brief dreams he had, he saw a beautiful tree. Curiosity to discover its bright colors and original shapes made him approach it. When he was close he heard a voice. It was the tree that spoke to him. "Sit next to me," he said lovingly. Carla understood that every second of life that is lived does not come back. He knew that he lived impatiently during the day and believed that hours of sleep were hours wasted. Living in such a hurry only led her to bewilderment and confusion. He realized that he had to give himself time for observation. Being observant would help you make better decisions, read between the lines, calculate risks, and better understand the thoughts and emotions of others. To discover alternatives that I had not seen before, to understand how the world works, to make better use of its resources. Being observant in life would help you be more alert, more aware of your surroundings and increase your awareness. It would give you the opportunity to better see and understand the behavioral patterns and mental processes you were in, which would help you make better decisions. Furthermore, it would help you improve your communication skills, increase your wisdom and understanding, and improve your adaptability.

The observation

From the moment we were born, we begin to process information through our senses, primarily our eyes, which are an invaluable tool for perceiving the world around us. But have you ever considered the beauty of simply observing what is in front of us?

Observation is something we all do in our daily lives, whether consciously or not. However, conscious and deliberate observation can have a significant impact on our daily lives and our ability to live fully.

By observing something carefully, we give ourselves the opportunity to notice details that would otherwise go unnoticed. Instead of going through life without paying attention to our surroundings, by focusing on observation, we find ourselves surrounded by beauty that we had previously not even noticed. Noticing beauty in the common and everyday allows us to appreciate each moment of our lives in a deeper way.

Observation also helps us live more fully by allowing us to connect with the world around us in a more intimate way. By paying attention to the subtlest details, we begin to feel more connected to our world and the people in it. Feeling connected leads us to a more satisfying life and makes us feel more present in the moment.

Ultimately, the beauty of observation is that it allows us to live in the present and enjoy the present moment. Instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past, observation allows us to be truly present in the moment. It allows us to savor every moment and appreciate the beauty in everything around us.

All in all, the beauty of observation is as simple as looking around you and seeing the beauty that has always been there. By observing carefully and deliberately, we find a fuller and more satisfying life, a life in which we are aware of the world around us and our place in it.


María needed a change in her life. Overwhelmed by her day-to-day affairs, she was sinking into a state of sadness without realizing it. I was apathetic, discouraged and with little or no desire to make decisions. He just let himself go so as not to put more pressure on his emotional state. When she stopped, she was aware of everything she felt: a torrent of emotions and feelings moved her, but she did not feel able to face them. This situation led her to distance herself from her closest people and friends. At work he was just an automaton. He stopped contributing and being part of the team. One morning, in front of the mirror, he asked himself: Who are you, María? He no longer recognized himself. First he felt sorrow, then anger, then fear. Finally, an enormous compassion came over her. She knew in that moment the reason for her agony: she was a prisoner of a life that she did not want, and her immobilization had led her to that state. María was intelligent, she knew that good intentions were not enough to get out of there. He decided at that moment to set a goal: to get out of the hole where he had fallen. She told herself that things wouldn't change overnight, but that she could make small changes or take a U-turn, turning everything upside down. He decided to make a list of priorities: writing it down helped him a lot. He started with what was most urgent and important, and focused on this. He was aware that it wouldn't be easy, but he now had a goal in his life, and this gave him the courage he needed to achieve it.


Mario was stressed and tired. I wanted to find a way to relax and find inner peace. So he decided to try mindful meditation. He sat comfortably in his room and closed his eyes. He breathed in and out deeply several times. He focused on his breathing and noticed how his body was relaxing. Then, Mario began to pay attention to his thoughts. He realized that his thoughts were nothing more than a series of images and words passing through his mind. He didn't need to follow them; I just had to observe them. As he felt more relaxed, he began to let his thoughts drift away. He watched them disappear one by one and eventually realized that his mind was silent. He felt calm and relaxed. He experienced a deep peace and tranquility that he had not felt before. After a while, he felt a positive energy flowing through his body. I was more focused and knew exactly what I had to do. Mario already knew what to do when he felt overwhelmed or stressed: breathe rhythmically and relaxed. He observed his thoughts like someone observing the passage of water through a river.


Once upon a time there was a Stoic teacher named Zeno of Citium who taught his students the value of moderation and self-discipline. The teacher taught his students that success was not about the accumulation of material possessions, but rather about achieving a state of calm and inner harmony. One day, the teacher met with his students to tell them a story. He told them: "Imagine that once a man had the opportunity to choose between two paths. One path was easy and comfortable, but the other was difficult and challenging. The man chose the difficult path. During the journey, the man encountered many obstacles. and difficulties. He was tired and thirsty, but he refused to give up. Finally, he reached the top and discovered a beautiful fountain of water. The water was delicious and refreshing. The man sat down by the fountain, drank all the water, and then he fell asleep. When the man woke up, he found himself surrounded by all the treasures and riches of the world. He was filled with joy and gratitude for having dared to take the difficult path. The teacher said to his students: "This story teaches you that "Success is not in the treasures of the world, but in the patience and courage to face life's challenges."


Once there was a beautiful tree in a forest that had a very happy life. The tree was surrounded by friends; squirrels, birds, rabbits, and other animals that passed under him every day. One day, the tree saw a young squirrel arrive who was very sad. The tree asked him what was wrong, and the squirrel told him that he had lost his best friend and that he didn't know how to go on without him. The tree was moved by the squirrel's sad story, and decided to help him. It gave him comfort and love, and taught him that love is like an energy that is always there, even when the person we love is no longer there. The squirrel learned a lot from that tree and discovered that although his friend was gone, the love they had shared would always be present in his heart. Since then, the tree and the squirrel became good friends, and they spent time together every day. The tree taught the squirrel that love knows no boundaries, and that you should always expect the best from others. And that's how the tree and the squirrel became lifelong friends, always remembering the lesson of love that the tree had taught him.


Once upon a time there was a woman named Sofia, who from a young age had to face many difficulties. He lived his entire life in a poor neighborhood, with parents who could barely support their family. Sofia did not have a formal education, as her parents could not afford it, and she had to start working at an early age to help at home.

Despite all this, Sofía had a dream: to become a successful businesswoman. She admired all those people who had started from scratch and had managed to build great companies. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took to reach her goal.

Sofia started working in a small local store, where she learned everything about sales and management. Over time, he began saving money and got financing to open his own business. It wasn't easy, but she finally managed to establish a small fashion accessories store in her neighborhood.

But Sofia was not satisfied with that. I wanted more. He wanted his store to become a nationwide chain. So, using everything he had learned and making sacrifices, he worked day and night to achieve his dream.

Finally, after years of effort and perseverance, Sofía achieved what she had wanted so much. Her small store had become a nationwide chain of fashion accessories stores. He had overcome all difficulties and built his own empire, following his dream against all odds.

Sofia had surpassed herself, and she was proud of the woman she had become. He had shown that anything is possible if you put your mind to it, with perseverance, effort and determination. And that was his greatest achievement.


Once upon a time there was a girl named Ciara. She was very empathetic and was always willing to help others. One day, he went to school and noticed that one of his classmates was not in a good mood. Ciara noticed something was wrong and decided to approach him. She asked him if he was okay, and he opened up and told her that he was going through a difficult situation at home. Ciara listened carefully and said words of encouragement. She told him that he was not alone and that she was always there for him. At the end of the day, the boy was much happier. He had made a big difference with his empathy. This story teaches us the importance of being empathetic with others. If we can pay attention to the feelings of others, even a small gesture of compassion can change someone's day.


Once upon a time there was a young woman named Sofia who had always dreamed of traveling the world. She had heard about the beauty of the landscapes, the diversity of cultures. One day, with the help of her parents, Sofia was finally able to fulfill her dream; the adventure of seeing new things. She embarked on a six-month trip around the world, visiting exotic and fascinating places. During her trip, Sofia experienced a lot of things she had never imagined before. From seeing the colors and life of India to swimming with whales in Mexico. Each new experience filled her with wonder and joy. When she finally returned home, Sofia felt like a completely different person. She had lived experiences that had made her grow as a person, develop her creativity and open her mind. Now, she knows that every trip is an opportunity to discover something new and wonderful, and that even though the trip is over, the experiences she gained will stay with her forever.


A young man named Leo lived with his mother in a small town. His mother was a very hardworking and loving woman, but sometimes she was so tired from working that she couldn't give Leo the attention he needed. One day, Leo decided to go for a walk to let off some steam. While walking through the forest, he found a small cave. He entered and found an old witch sitting there. She looked at him with an evil look and said, "What are you doing here, young man?" Leo was so scared that he couldn't say a word. The witch explained that she could give him a special gift if he promised to do something in return. Leo accepted, and the witch gave him a small bag. When Leo opened the bag, he found a shiny stone. When he got home, Leo realized that the stone was a rage stone. This stone allowed him to channel all his rage, frustration and anger and turn it into a positive force. Leo became a much stronger and more determined person, and his mother noticed the difference. From that day on, Leo used his rage to fight for his goals and achieve his dreams. The moral of this story is that anger can be a positive force if channeled in the right way.


Once upon a time there was a girl named Clara. She was a creative and curious girl, but she was also very insecure. One day, while she was reading in her school library, something awakened in her. He realized that he was not just a part of a mass, but that he was a unique individual who had the right to be heard and respected. Like a plant that has been watered by rain, Clara's consciousness began to awaken. He began to see the world with a new perspective. He began to understand the importance of freedom and personal responsibility. As her consciousness developed, Clara also discovered that her own life was in her hands. He realized that he was responsible for his own actions and decisions. This helped her develop a sense of confidence in herself and her ability to make decisions. Over time, Clara also began to see the world in a broader perspective. He realized that there were people and situations different from his own and that he had to respect and understand them. This allowed her to begin building a network of friends and relationships that helped her grow as a person. Finally, the awakening of her consciousness allowed Clara to see the world in a much deeper and more inclusive way. His life was filled with understanding and empathy, allowing him to achieve a deep level of inner satisfaction.


Once upon a time there was a man named Dari who lived a peaceful life in a small village in the countryside. He longed for the days when he was still young and full of energy and adventure. One day, Dari went for a walk on the nearby hill and met an old wise man. The wise man told him: "Life is ephemeral. Time does not stop, so take advantage of each day to live it to the fullest." Dari nodded, but was confused. How could he live life to the fullest if time was slipping through his fingers? The wise man replied: "You should take advantage of your time to do what makes you happy. Live without fear and without regrets. Do what you like and enjoy every moment with those around you. When you feel tired, rest. When you feel sad, give yourself time to recover. Sadness is not your enemy, on the contrary, it prepares you so that you can relate healthily again. When you feel alone, remember that there is always someone who loves you." Dari took these words to heart and began living his life the best way he knew how. He surrounded himself with people who loved him and dedicated himself to doing things that filled him with joy. He lived every moment as if it were his last. In the end, Dari discovered that life was a beautiful adventure if lived to the fullest. And although time slips through our fingers, there is always time to do what fills us with happiness.

Light of Knowledge

Rebeca's life had been difficult. She had spent years in a toxic relationship, feeling alone and directionless. She felt desperate and trapped in a meaningless routine. One day, tired of so much pain and loneliness, she decided to leave her comfort zone. He began traveling the world, exploring new countries and cultures. As he discovered new places, he also discovered new ways of thinking and living. As his journey progressed, he also discovered a life he had never known before. He realized the beauty of life and the love in the world. He became more aware of things he previously overlooked, like the sun rising in the morning, trees swaying in the breeze, and birds singing. He learned to enjoy the company of people, discovering the limits of his heart and feeling the peace that only self-love can bring. He returned home with a new perspective, with his eyes open to love and life. Now, every day was a gift, and Rebeca was ready to live it to the fullest.


Once upon a time there was a great purple tree, whose mighty root extended deep into the heart of the earth. The moon shone through its branches, creating extraordinary beauty. The tree was very special, as its branches moved in the night breeze. One day, a girl named Helena approached the tree. She was fascinated by the beauty of the tree and the magic of the moon. He stayed for a while looking at the tree in silence, enjoying the peace and tranquility that was felt around him. Suddenly, a bright light came out of the tree and covered everything around it. All the animals and plants that were there stopped to observe. Helena was fascinated by the light and went closer to see what it was about. The light approached her and transformed into a warm, soft light that enveloped her completely. At that moment, Helena felt as if the moon was hugging her. The light filled her with positive emotions and made her feel happy. He stayed there for a long time, enjoying the magic and beauty of the moon and the purple tree. When the moon left, Helena returned home with a smile on her face. Since then, the girl could not forget the beautiful moment she shared with the moon and the purple tree. Every time I saw the moon, I remembered the moment and felt immense joy.

The little things are what fulfill us the most.


Once upon a time there was a young woman who discovered the art of living every moment of her life to the fullest. She used to spend a lot of time meditating, reflecting and observing the world around her. This allowed him to see the world with a different perspective, and he discovered beauty and magic in every moment. He learned to enjoy every moment, to see every detail and appreciate all the small opportunities in life. He realized that every minute, every second contained an opportunity to grow, learn and connect. And he began to see life as a wonderful adventure, full of precious moments. Every morning, he woke up with a smile and an attitude of gratitude for everything he had. He realized that every day was a gift, and that he should not waste a single second. When challenges began to arise in his life, he learned to see them as opportunities to grow. Instead of feeling defeated by problems, she embraced them as an opportunity to learn something new. This attitude helped her develop inner strength to overcome any obstacle. Every time she remembered how precious the present moment was, she felt filled with energy and enthusiasm. This energy led her to realize her dreams, live a life full of purpose, and become the best version of herself. This young woman had discovered the power of living each moment fully. And since then, he has shared his wisdom with others.


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